Materials on this website have been prepared by Fabian & Clendenin, a Professional Corporation incorporated in Utah dba Fabian VanCott, for informational purposes only.
Because Fabian VanCott is a professional corporation, it has shareholders who are the equivalent of partners in a partnership, but as a technical matter, it is not a partnership and therefore does not have partners. However, because of the prevalence in the legal profession of referring to the owners of law firms as “partners”, and the common familiarity and understanding of the meaning of that term, we may refer to our shareholders as partners throughout this website. This is not intended to imply that Fabian VanCott is a partnership rather than a Professional Corporation, but is common usage intended to make our website more easily comprehensible using standard and widely-understood terminology.
Transmission of the materials and information contained on this website is not intended to create, and does not constitute formation of, an attorney-client relationship. The materials on this website are informational and do not constitute advertising, a solicitation, or legal advice. Users of this website should not rely upon any information provided on or linked to from the website for any purpose without seeking legal advice from a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction. The information contained in this website is provided only as general information and there is no guarantee that it is in all instances correct, complete, or up to date with current and changing law.
This website allows you to contact us by sending an email. Doing so does not create an attorney-client relationship, and is not privileged. You do not have an attorney-client relationship unless and until you have entered into a written engagement letter with us, after we have reviewed your information, conducted a conflict check, and accepted you as a client. If you communicate with us in connection with a matter for which we do not already represent you, you should not send us confidential or sensitive information and it will not be treated as privileged or confidential. If we do already represent you and have previously entered into a formal legal engagement, you should note that the security of internet email is uncertain. By sending confidential email messages that are not encrypted, you accept the risks of such uncertainty and possible lack of confidentiality over the internet.
If you have questions regarding the contents of this Disclaimer, you may contact our headquarters at:
Fabian VanCott
95 South State, Suite 2300
Salt Lake City, UT 84111